Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm crafty! Part 1

Today was my cleaning day. I rearranged my room, added a few things got rid of a lot of things. i love simplifying my life. I realized me and Jess share a lot of jewelry. As i was contemplating a few things i thought i should claim some of my jewelry before either of us sister's leave the house we're in. So i claimed all of my jewelry, which isn't a lot :( you'll see in a minute. But i decided its time to distinguish what was mine and what was hers. So as i was going through our jewelry, i noticed had no where to put most of my jewelry, so i talked to my mom, and we started thinking. . . and now i present to you "I'm Crafty! Part 1"
Materials needed for this project: Scissors, a marking utensil, stapler, cork board, and picture frame. 
 To start my father is an artist we have many things like this frame kicking around in our basement. I took the frame outside, got some black spray paint from our garage, and spray painted it. (below) is my spray painted frame, i think its an 8x10
 First cut out the cork board the size of your frame, mark it with you marking utensil. I put some cardboard behind mine to make it extra strong, because the cork board isn't that strong to hold through when you put your studs on it. 

 staple the cork board and cardboard on with staples all around it. 
I made myself one and one for Jess. 

yes i know Jess has quite a few more stud earrings than i do. oh well. 

and here is mine on my wall in my room, hard to tell what it is exactly. haha. but you get the point.
So there you go. the earring stud frame holder. 
I'm crafty! Part 1. Complete. 
Part 2 to come later for your dangly earrings. 
stay tuned. (: 
Have a fabulous day. 


Jamie said...

Can you still put the backs on the earrings even through the cork board and the cardboard?

I love this idea! I've been trying to figure out what to do with my earrings for so long.

Sisters in Fashion said...

Yes you can, i just stick them really close to the earring. it'll only work with your studs.
And its super simple and easy.

Jamie said...

I think I may just try it :)