Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Please hold. . . and be patient

Frustration is piling on. I've been waiting for a book for my college class that i am taking in high school to arrive. i come home today praying for a small package. nothing. angry, frustrated and fed up. but i did just get back from vacation. . . it was fun. . . but now i'm never missing another day of school ever again. Its so much stuff to make up. blasted AP class. oh well i can always succeed in failure. Things aren't going my way today. I'm exhausted but i know i wont be able to relax until after i've studied for 4 tests. 

So i'm very sorry to put My Sister's Closet on hold for about a couple of days. . . maybe even a week. I'm far to stressed, and tired for anything concerning this. 
My apologies as the writer and a contributor to My Sister's Closet. I'll be back in the groove of things when things slow down. I don't mean to be down and depressing, sorry its reality.  
So please be patient and we'll post more soon. promise. 

for now enjoy something that made me smile. 

adorable. . . Remember when we were little and thought life was going to 
be a fairytale when we got older?? 
Well right now, i'm far from any fairytale i've ever read. 

I hope you've had a better day than mine. 


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