Saturday, September 10, 2011

nothing else like it

When you try to succesfully curl your hair in mositure weather, it does not stay.
Your hair simply becomes a stragly straight-ish mess with a few kinks.
You'd like to think this is beach wave hair, but it simply does not compare.
You took a shower and halfway through the day end up saying
"So much for taking a shower today."
You want to wear the styles that everyone wears in the state.
You want to look as if you don't look like a forienger.
You want to relax and be comfortable in your $40 toms, without thinking
if the hobo on the street is going to steal them and re-sale them
for more money, while you're at the beach.
You want to wear a cute hoodie but not look too weird wearing a
hoodie in September.
But when in Cali . . . You do as the Californians.

Come what may. . . And LOVE IT!

nothing big. but this was me and jess yesterday at San Franscico.
It was windy. our almost perfect curly hair got ruined. but hey its okay.
we ate an awesome turkey pesto sandwhich and pizza at a tower. We walked on a beach and Golden Gate Bridge, and took many pictures.

If you couldn't guess by now. . .
we're in cali.
my apologies for not blogging about it sooner, for
we are having way to much fun.

much love
Mia & Jess

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