Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What the?

it seems like Mia has pretty much taken over this blog but don't forget everyone. I'm here still!!! ha I've just been kinda busy with my nannying job, church callings, family and friends etc.. . .  but anyways I'm still here. So any who. where has the time GONE? it's already the middle of july!!! crazy for sure. . . Right now I'm in sort of a pickle and i need your advice. .  I've been dying for a cute summer sun hat {aka something to wear to cover up my crazy hair}. . and i found these cute ones on what one do you like?

I know they are super similar but I can't decide. .  i think i like the one on the left. .  yeah?
And do you guys think i could even pull off a big sun hat like this? 
PLEASE Leave your thoughts!! 

P.s i really love this girl's bangs so cute. .  i'm think about cutting some just to be different. . . 

LOVE jess

1 comment:

Kristen Nicole said...

The one on the left definitely. you could pull it off!