Monday, July 25, 2011

weekend scandals

Just kidding, this post is plainly dedicated to the weekend, full of laying out, fireworks and planking. and in Utah we have basically two holidays in the month of July that we can celebrate with fireworks. Pioneer Day is celebrated on the 24th of July, but in Utah if a holiday is on a Sunday, we move it to the monday or saturday before. So while our cousins are in town we lit off fireworks, and danced to the song, Party Rock Anthem, way too much. If you watch So You Think You Can Dance us and our cousins learned the Master Class dance for National Dance Day on July 30th. YAY for dance! 
but anyways, we love doing it. we'll video it and maybe put it up on here. 
This week we will be out of town, Mt. Rushmore is the place, we be there all week. We'll be doing some scheduled  posts.
Enjoy these pictures. We'll be seeing you!

 Planking, probably the fun-est thing ever. 


 Picture time with the cousins. 
(look it up on youtube)

It was a good weekend. I love when family comes to visit, its pretty fun. 
For they are my best friends in life. 

Mia and Jess

1 comment:

Brissa said...

there's nothing better than party time with family. glad you had a fun weekend. :)