Sunday, July 10, 2011

New & Fresh

HELLO!!!!! okay, been a busy weekend. We had a Sister's retreat with my mother's side of the family. So thats where i've been all weekend. On Friday did anyone else dress like a cow to get some free Chick-fil-a? cause i did! and i can attest it was the bomb diggity, getting some free food. ha suckers, gotta wait till next year. Alrighty so we were given a blogger award by 2 ladies and you can find them here. and here.
I guess i'm suppose to pass the award on after i faithfully accept it. Aint this just a new and snazzy thing us bloggers are doing now-a-days? ha

Here are the lucky ladies i pass the award on too:
1. The Girl in The Dress
2. Splash of Thought
3.  Half and Half
4. Chickadee
5. The blunt confessions of a very ambitious girl
6. The Greatest Things in Life are Not Seen

Okay only doing six. sorry. get over it. Here's what you do after you get the award.
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog with the link of the person who has given it to you.
2. Pass it on to 5 other bloggers to keep the ball rolling.
3. Let the nominated blogger know about their award (by leaving a comment on their recent post.)

Enjoy your blogging ladies. 
I had a splendid weekend i hope all of you did as well. 
Pictures to come of my weekend. 
Much Love- xoxox


lisa said...

thank you! this really made my day :)

Kimberly Noelle said...

Ah thanks! It made my day, too. :)

Brissa said...

thank you so much!! you girls are so cute.