Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Sister's Beauty Secrets

Okay we've decided to spill some of our beauty secrets. Its nothing big or fancy, plain and simple this is what we do. You may have heard of some of them before but we've cracked down on some serious beauty issues. If they work for us, they might as well work for you. 

Blemishes: don't you hate those nasty things? sorry but the word zit, gives me the hebbie jebbies. any who, our basic cure for blemishes are 1. take a dot of lemon juice and aspirin. Crush aspirin between two spoons until it becomes a paste. Simply put the paste on your blemish. We usually do this technique overnight just after washing our face. Do whatever fits your schedule. That was the cheap and organic version of it, if you want to just be safe, go to your local Target or Walmart and pick up some Clearasil Vanishing Acne Treatment Cream. its a life saver at times and if you don't want to do all the work with the aspirin then this is your guy. its kind of expensive but it last you a while because you only use a dot of it here and there. 

we usually used one aspirin 
Make it to a paste of some sort

Baby Hairs: they're the hairs on your forehead that no body loves. They just sit on your forehead while you try and comb them up and spray them down. So our secret beauty tip for those suckers is a simple toothbrush. it really works i attest to it. just grab an gently used or new toothbrush, brush up those little hairs and spray them. works ten times better then a comb. 

Face: our favorite face wash and face lotion goes to the Cetaphil brand. You can get it at Walmart or Target. it is a little pricy but if you want a clear face this is your gal. It's made our faces ten times better since we've started using it. And we've never changed since. Of course you get the occasional blemishes, but it makes your face feel like it can breathe not so dry either. The Cetaphil face lotion is great too. i recommend using both items. 

Teeth: we occasionally use baking soda on our teeth. Yes we know it sounds weird, but if you want that white tint and cleaner feeling brush with without using harsh chemicals, like whitening strips. A little baking soda once in a while is good. Not every day of course that probably wouldn't be to healthy but occasionally is good. 

Skin: do you ever want that natural glow to your skin? well we use a simple off-brand (there is a Jergens brand, but it's a little out of our price budget) but the off-brand is just as good. it's Equate Healthy Glow. It's basically a regular lotion that moisturizes your skin while giving you a healthy tan-ish glow to your arms and legs. You can purchase it Walmart or Target. 

Sha-BAM!!!!! There you have it. Our basic beauty tips. We hope you try them out. And tell us if you've had problems or if you have any questions. 
and. . . Coming Soon. . .To a blog near you. . . My Sister's Hair 

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