Thursday, January 19, 2012

plus side

One of my new favorite things about my new schedule this last semester of my senior year is Parent Release! Yup i'm in love. I love coming home and not having to stay at the school for another period. It's rather fabulous! I come home and eat better food than the nasty school food, i come home and sigh. I come home to do homework before a 3-8 shift at work. I come home and sleep sometimes. I come home to catch up on things. I come home and relax...... a lot. Okay thats the plus side. downside to this semester is Med Terminology. Bleh... i'm not to excited but i know it will be worth the college credits or whatever. And i still have the dreaded AP Literature hopefully i'll survive until the end of the year. Wish me luck, as i become a hermit and study the rest of my high school life away.

ohh and i also take pictures.... 

Have a great Thursday Everyone! 

1 comment:

jessica hutcheson said...

thats awesome. because i do the exact same thing during my release hour!
i love seniority :)

Jess :)