Wednesday, December 14, 2011

its starting... finally.

its a joyous season. I love christmas. thats all (: homework and especially AP Lit can just be burned in my fireplace as i drink hot chocolate and cozy into pj's. I'm 17 and i feel as if this is big news. I got my nails done today for the first time ever in my life. I promised a friend of mine that went through nail school that i'd get my nails done by her for letting me have all of her AP books. So today was the day. I got an acrylic  set done. And i feel as if i'm behind on this trend. It seems like everyone in Utah gets their nails done like every other week in different seasonal colors. Well it was my turn. I'm still trying to figure out how to function with them. its difficult at times but i'll figure something out. in other seasonal news..... its December 14th and no sign of a tree in our house... no sign of any christmas decor anywhere. Only christmas lights on the outside. I have 2 wrapped presents in my room waiting to be put under the Christmas tree... ohhh wait what christmas tree?! yeah if its not up by the time i'm home from work tomorrow its game over. Well i feel all cheery and hyped up for the holidays. I just need to ask myself if i'm ready for it all to begin in about 2 days?.... nahh but come what may and love it right?! haha bring it!

a poor picture from jess's laptop. oh well. i love them.
p.s thats a new bracelet on my hand 
from JCP only $0.97 plus tax. 

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