Friday, October 7, 2011

Operation Overload!!!!!!

its nagging at me in the back of my head. (I haven't done a post in over a week!?!?!?!) what the heck is up with me? i don't know. its been sort of crazy. 
I never knew my senior year would be so jam packed full. haha
Well lets see, why i've been so jam packed crazy stressed,
AP Literature is sort of taking over my life along with FCCLA.
I went to leadership in Provo and it was very fun. fabulous memories made. 
here a few snip its of the conference. 
 we rode on the bus. 
 jumped on the hotel beds.

 looked awesome in our officer jackets
 ate an amazingly good lunch

and had official name tags with our name and school on them.
ya we're important! 

It was fun making up my ap homework won't be though :( 

In other words its FOOTBALL FRIDAY!!!!! and its currently raining in utah right now. lame weather. 
But thats not stopping me from going to support them football players. (: yeahhhh! i'll be wearing like six layers. haha 
Go Wolves! ! I hope everyone's been having a splendid week, and has a better weekend! 
I miss blogging, i promise i'll do it more often (: 


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