Saturday, October 29, 2011

boring life, and mistaken carts.

sorry its been ages since we've posted anything. but it seems to be all we've been doing lately is work,school,work,work more work. The other night, cause that's all i'm doing is working nights!  I as a bagger at a local grocery store, i bag people's groceries. The checker which i sometimes do on occasions. puts some items in the wrong cart, a cart simply belonging to the next costumer in line. This has happened to me a lot. When i bag i frequently go and help people get the groceries out of the cart and onto the conveyer belt. I had just come back from putting a basket away, and the checker i was bagging for got suddenly super busy. I go to my bagging spot, and he starts handing me stuff, i go to reach for the basket behind the him, and start putting in the groceries. By the time i'm almost halfway done putting in the groceries the man says "Oh that's not our cart! We didn't have one." I smile and say "Okay sorry about that." The checker just snickers at me. I work with a cruel boy, he's quite a jerk a times, but not going to lie he's really fun to work with. I kill him at rubber band wars! Any who if you come in, and i mistake your cart for not being your cart, blame it on my checker, they never tell me who's it is.

A bit of other news(not work related)
Fremont won football quarter-final game round uno.
Second Round is This coming Friday. We take on the dreaded Bingham High School. Wish us luck, we might need it ( :

enjoy the halloween weekend ( : 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

i hear ya... school & work are my life right now too!!!