Thursday, July 25, 2013


I feel like 90% of facebookers, tweeters, and instagramers just look. Occasionally liking. rarely commenting. My mom always said "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all." This was mainly regarding to when we'd say snotty comments to another sister. But its true in everyday life. Even if on Facebook you're coming off as sarcastic, sometimes it doesn't sound like it. I repeat, If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Things come back to bite you in the end. So just don't say anything. Back to the 90% of us, that just look and scroll down each others lives. Never commenting or saying anything. But just looking. I do it, I'm not ashamed to say so. But sometimes I regret not telling that girl on Instagram that her hair looked pretty in that one photo, or re-tweeting that one kid's funny tweet on twitter, commenting on that one girls photo you had one class with in high school but she doesn't have many likes or comments on her photo. Sometimes even though you're shy when it comes to social media, someone really needs to hear your two bits about their photo or tweet or whatever it may be. Because in the end you might make that persons day no matter how  you may look to the rest of the world through facebook for commenting on a silly photo. You at least made that person's day. And if you make one persons day by typing a simple compliment then think what you could do everyday if you kept doing that. I challenge you to be more vocal. Be more vocal in your everyday life. Be more vocal in every aspect of your life. Because what goes around comes around. When you're having a bad day you just might want someone to write on your wall and ask how you are doing.



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