Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Yes you're write.

Occasionally i'll get the urge to write. It's not typical writing is more like random writing. I'm currently reading the book Matched. In this book it has a society that has lost all form of history and writing. No one knows how to write, they just use data pad's that do everything for them by the touch of a finger.
Now this whole world that we live on is now connected to iphones, ipads, or ipods. Everything you can do with a touch of a finger print. Remember the days when we'd have to get out and write down a message on a piece of paper and send it as soon as possible to the person two states away? Remember when faxing and paging were the hottest things around in the 90's? Remember when we'd be glued to magazines instead of Pinterest? When we had box's for computer's instead of paper thin laptops?

I Just remember the joy you'd feel when you opened the mailbox and saw something with your name on it. Now we get that kind of joy with text messages and emails and facebook notifications. Maybe i'm just stuck in my old fashion ways but I still love writing letters and writing in my journal, it gives me a peace of mind. I still write random little stories here and there... and imagine that maybe someday when i'm dead my grandchildren will see what a prized artifact that I wrote in cursive at age 18 in the year 2012. Cursive handwriting is so beautiful and magical that so many people can create. Back in the pioneer days that's all they wrote in. And you either knew how to read it or you were learning how to read it. I recently saw a segment on the news that said elementary schools in Utah are taking out cursive writing from their learning. And already in my head I thought back to that book Matched and saw our society going down hill... I mean we wouldn't have an awesome Declaration Of Independence without the famous John Hancock signature in cursive writing now would we?

I guess what i'm trying to get across is that, writing has basically gone downhill. We write school essays now on the computer. And I want to know whatever happened to typewriters? We should still be using those in college. That would make me want to go to college. We have computers now so I guess that makes up for typewriters. I understand that we live in 2012, but really we don't have to end cursive writing in elementary school? Because that's just dumb. And lets bring back writing letters, rather than writing 'happy birthday' on people's walls and sending pointless text messages.


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