Monday, August 13, 2012

Awake & The Lake

When you wake up and feel completely and utterly disgusted with yourself, because you failed to wake up and go running, because your uterus decided to surprise you with a kick, your throat aching, nose running, head congested and eyes watering... Yup its a crappy start to a summer week. But a very good guy friend of mine never ceases to make my morning, by sending me a good morning text... To make sure i've slept okay through the night.

He listens to my complains and sob stories I go on and on about... We hang out and go to movies on the weekends... He is endlessly putting me in an amazing mood every time I see him. In a week he'll be living two hours away for about 4 months. The three weeks we've been dating and sharing memories has been the most fun I've had all summer. I don't promise we'll date long... but for now it's nice having someone bring you Jamba Juice when you're sad.

Still unemployed, but enjoying the last summer hot days. Not yet attending college, because i need to save money. Our lovely Sister got engaged over the weekend, her wedding date is September 21st. Let the crazy wedding planning begin. Growing up is tough... but the Lord blesses those who are faithful. Life gets crazy but you have to remember the simplicity in it. The happiness that a little kid get from playing in the sand all day and the smile they give you.

Our latest adventure to Bear Lake Utah. It was beautiful day. And we returned a little red... but it was well worth it.

Have a great day :)


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