Wednesday, May 23, 2012

High School diploma: Check.

My senior class :)

Hey i'm on the jumbo screen!! 

We're a little excited.

My brother thinks he's soooo cool.

My Parentals :)

Brother & his Fam bam.

I am the first and only child in my family of six to go through elementary, jr,high and high school. Up until sixth grade i was home schooled. Shocking? maybe because we seem pretty normal.... We weren't your normal home schooling type people. So i started sixth grade in Utah with nervous butterflies and a hopeful heart. I made lots of friends and kept them throughout Jr. high, i think that's why i liked public schooling so much, i had lots of friends. I enjoyed Jr. High but i was so excited for the high school scene. I loved every minute of my high school career. I will miss seeing everyone everyday but i won't miss the hard study nights and the crappy school lunches. So here's to Public Education..... i will not miss you one bit.


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