Monday, February 13, 2012

Winter {to the} Ball

I'm quite positive Winter ball was one of my favorite dances by far. I had the best date ever. To refresh your memory I asked Ashton on the 2nd of January, with an envelope that had puzzle pieces in it that spelt out my name. On the envelope it read "As Jack Johnson would say, Staple It Together" note: [we're both Jack Johnson fans] and my friend doorbell ditched it to his house for me. We met in our workplace, the lovely Kent's Market. So he answered me back while at work, he put a twix candy bar in my bag and wrote on a piece of paper "It'd be a treat to go to the dance with you." Then my friend April was date-less. So we asked Ashton if he had any friends(being from a different school, you never know if he hangs around other attractive males) And we were in luck. He brought April to the Tanner. It was fun hanging around boys from other schools. So the day came. The day activity was at my house, we had some food and played a really fun game called Curses. We had a great time getting to know everyone & socializing. The dance came and it was seriously so fun. Here's some snippits from the night. 

 Kuddo's to Jess for doing my beautiful hair!! you're the best i loved it!!!
sort of bad quality on the group one. My bad :/

We look like midgets in this picture but i promise we're average height. 
And if you cannot remember the dress from previous posts. 
From: Shabby Apple
Price: $65.00
Fit: excellent
Shoes: Candies brand from Khols
Necklace & Earring combo: Khols 
Price: roughly around $15

And the end of the night sort of looked like this... a little delirious & confused...
Yea that's Tanner & Ashton. 
Very fun night. 



Rochelle and Kaelen said...

Love the dress Mia !!! Really cute !!! Love to see you modest even when other girls are not :) is that dude in the middle wearing a camo vest ??? Glad you had fun !

Sisters in Fashion said...

Thanks sister :) And yes he was. haha his date's grandma made it. He's super into hunting.

Heather Coon said...

The dress looks great on ya! He does look short, you midget couple you!! Haha...other than that you're dazzling:)