Tuesday, November 8, 2011

a mindless action.

Speaking when you're not particularly suppose to, could be bad. Speaking out of turn is rude. Speaking when not spoken too is awkward. Speaking too loudly is annoying. Speaking like a three-year old is childish. Speaking as a third person is entertaining. Speaking like a know it all. . .. . ya, we'll leave it there.
I get annoyed with people talking.... There used to be a really annoying girl in my US Government that would talk so loud and everyone in the class knew and thought she was so loud and annoying. She basically talked like that to get attention. Then there's dumb girls that talk overly loud when a cute guy or a person they like is around. you're just like please stop embarrassing yourself and that poor boy. I think sometimes people don't notice they do these things, so me being the kind person i am, well i feel obligated to tell them so.
Yesterday i got put in a seating chart in my 3rd period. We were apparently too loud. So she goes down the rows alphabetically. I happened to get put in front of a really cute boy i like. But i'm not a hypocrite and i don't talk overly loud like an idiot girl does when they sit by someone cute. he sits behind me. The only thing i have to worry about is the back of my hair looking okay. haha okay, but anywho.... This girl, we'll call her 'T' for confidential reasons. I know she likes this kid that sits behind me, she talks overly loud to get his attention. Any stupid comment or remark she makes does not phase him. It is rather funny actually. She'll wait to sit down before class starts, until he comes in. He'll come in and she'll start talking obnoxiously loud. So yesterday when i got placed to sit in front of him, i caught her glare on my back for about a whole 3 minutes, until she complained that she couldn't see the board, and got moved up to the front. So after class, i am her cordial friend, i asked her in a teasing way, if she was jealous that i got to sit in front of him, and she looked around and thought for a moment and said "yes i am jealous." in a whisper . I smiled and purely told her the truth without thinking, a mindless behavior and action i posses-- that is talking without thinking first. I told her... "Well maybe you shouldn't talk so loud, it kind of annoys him." which in all reality it really does he told my friend in another class period, that he thinks when girls try to hard they are annoying. So i told her that, then i walked away. We'll see how class goes on Wednesday.

Note to self: Think before speaking. It may sound good in your head.... but it might not sound good to others. ohhh well.

In other news:
1. Fremont Silver wolves beat the all mighty Bingham Miners in Football last week.
2. We're going to Semi-finals this week.
3. Sadies Hawkins was a blast--pictures to come soon.
4. I believe that I work better with boys. They make my job more enjoyable, and if we get in trouble we all get in trouble together (: its a pack kind of thing.


P.S. I thought this would be the perfect time to introduce our new little motto for us here at My Sister's Closet.
-Making something out of the everyday ordinary.-

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