Sunday, December 1, 2013


A few weeks ago my mom said "do you wanna go to California for Thanksgiving?"  My answer being an automatic yes led to decision making on skipping class Wednesday night. But when you haven't been to California in two years you defiantly skip all responsibilities to go. We left early Wednesday morning 4:30 am to be exact. We rolled into our old hometown about six that night after many many stops along the way. With my aunt coming along the ride with us and my brother trailing behind us with his two children I knew there wouldn't be much space for me to sleep at my grandpas, I stayed at my uncles house in town that had my very bestest cousin living there too. I sure loved spending time with Natalie and about 90% of my pictures are with her. Haha thanksgiving day was full of lots and lots of laughter and delicious food, along with indoor sporting games including, volleyball, dodgeball and a game I never heard of called scatter ball. We all worked off most of our calories with those games. We stayed playing pictionary till about ten I clock at the church by that time we were absolutely swamped with tiredness. We decided to skip the craziness if Black Friday and get some sleep. The following morning Natalie and I hit up a few stores and it wasn't too crazy. While just shopping to work up an appetite for some good food. La Bou still remains to have the best Peanut Asian Noodle salad. Panera Bread still has the egg queche that everyone in my family raves about. 
Ella and Hudson my niece and nephew had a grand time connecting with many children that were there. Aisley the little cutie Natalie is holding, really will go to anyone. Adorable. So many fun little kids.


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